Kuala Kurau, Perak Culture 

What are the culture of Kuala Kurau Perak? Is there anything particular?

Kuala Kurau is a town has a multicultural community, with Malays, Chinese, and Indians residing harmoniously. The major festivals celebrated include Hari Raya Aidilfitri (Eid), Chinese New Year, and Deepavali. The locals are known to be friendly and welcoming. 

There are few culture that stand out in Kuala Kurau, that may not in others state. 

1) Multicultural Harmony

Kuala Kurau is home to a multicultural community comprising Malays, Chinese, and Indians, among other ethnic groups. The residents live together harmoniously, respecting each other's cultural practices and traditions. This cultural diversity is reflected in various aspects of daily life, including food, festivals, and customs.

2) Religious Festivals

The town celebrates various religious festivals. Muslims celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri (Eid), which marks the end of Ramadan and is a time for family gatherings and feasting. Chinese New Year is another significant celebration, with vibrant decorations, lion and dragon dances, and the exchange of red envelopes. Hindus celebrate Deepavali, the Festival of Lights, with oil lamps, colorful decorations, and prayers.

3) Folklore and Traditional Arts

Like many Malaysian towns, Kuala Kurau has its own collection of folklore and traditional arts. Folklore and myths have been passed down through generations, enriching the cultural tapestry of the community. Traditional arts such as Wayang Kulit (shadow puppetry) and Mak Yong (traditional dance-drama) are occasionally performed during cultural events and festivities.

4) Family Values

Kuala Kurau is known for its strong sense of community and emphasis on family values. Family plays an essential role in the lives of the residents, and there is a collective spirit of mutual support and cohesiveness within the community. Respect for elders, strong kinship bonds, and close-knit neighborhoods are integral parts of the cultural fabric.

5) Traditional Clothing

Traditional clothing is still worn on special occasions and religious festivals. Malays often wear Baju Kurung or Baju Melayu, while Chinese individuals opt for Cheongsam or Mandarin Collar shirts. During Indian festivals, you can see women adorning colorful sarees and men wearing traditional attire like dhoti and kurta.

6) Traditional Crafts

Kuala Kurau is known for its traditional handicrafts. Batik weaving, songket (a type of handwoven fabric), and wood carving are some of the artisanal crafts that have been preserved over the years. These crafts showcase the skill and creativity of the local artisans and are often crafted using traditional methods.

7) Cultural Cuisine

The cultural diversity of Kuala Kurau is also reflected in its culinary scene. The town is known for its blend of Malay, Chinese, and Indian cuisines, offering a wide range of flavors and dishes. The food heritage of each community is celebrated, and locals take pride in preserving their traditional recipes and cooking techniques.

These cultural aspects contribute to the unique identity of Kuala Kurau, making it a charming town where diverse traditions and customs are embraced and celebrated. Exploring the cultural richness of Kuala Kurau allows visitors to gain insights into the vibrant tapestry of Malaysian culture as a whole.


 Lets take knowledge of Kuala Kurau 

Do you know?

Kuala Kurau is one of the place that have unique type of geographicKuala Kurau offers picturesque landscapes and several natural attractions. The Kurau River is popular for activities such as fishing and boat rides. 

Since locals are very close to the nature of Kuala Kurau, their main asset of economic, based on the three main jobs, which are  planting paddy, producing palm oil, and fishing.

1) Agriculture lands

Agriculture is an integral part of the local economy, with the fertile land in and around Kuala Kurau being primarily used for paddy cultivation. The town is renowned for its fragrant rice, aptly named "Kurau Fragrant Rice," which is considered a local delicacy. Visitors can explore the vast paddy fields, observe farming activities, and gain insights into the traditional agricultural practices of the community.

Having the fertile land, due of Kuala Kurau near with Kurau river, paddy cultivation become one of the main asset to the locals.

Beside than paddy, the locals, also producing the palm oil, since the soil also perfect to having the oil palm plantations. As all the way to the Kuala Kurau, you able to see palm oil plantations, even behind at my grandparents house. 

Selling palm oil, the locals about to get the money to spend on their basic daily life. Plus for each time locals usually sell, it almost fill the whole lorry. 

Unlike paddy soil, palm oil trees doesn't grow at watery soil, but more likely to grow at wet soil. Selling palm oil also become one of the main assets to the locals.

2) Village on the river

There a village on the Kurau river, which makes some of the Kuala Kurau's locals, very near to the aquatic nature. 

Some of the locals, that live on the river, are mostly fishermens. The aqua creatures have become the one of the main raw materials procide mostly of the dish in Kuala Kurau. 

As for someone who like to go fishing, then try to come the Kuala Kurau and enjoy. There are so many sea creatures, which you can enjoy. Due to its proximity to the sea and river, fishing is a significant part of the local economy. You can witness traditional fishing activities and explore the fishing villages dotting the coastline. Fish caught here include mackerel, pomfret, prawns, and crabs.

The Kurau River flows through the town, offering locals and visitors a tranquil setting for activities such as fishing, boating, and river cruises. 

I also learn fishing at my grandparent's house. In Kuala Kurau, some of the house have trench separate between houses. Even in those trenchs have a lot of fish that you can fishing.  It's where I learn fishing and I got my first fish in first try. I quite enjoyed it.


Welcome to Kuala Kurau's History 

Here is the history of how Kuala Kurau form in Perak, Malaysia.

Traditional house in Kuala Kurau.

Beautiful, right?

However nowadays, in Kuala Kurau, the locals had upgrade the houses to have a part on the ground, which are like this. 

Morden-traditional house

During the interview some of the local, which are my grandparents and their relatives, that live in Kuala Kurau. This changes or upgrade due of lack of space in the house. Traditional house, locals need to cook either the back of the house or outside of the house. As so, the most of locals add another floor, builded of brick. Beside than that, toilet, bathroom are outside of the house, which scared the children to use it during the night. 

As people usually don't like a long type of history, here is the brief of Kuala Kurau history. 

Before Formation: Kuala Kurau was originally inhabited by the indigenous Orang Asli people. The area's fertile land and proximity to the river attracted settlers who engaged in fishing and agriculture, particularly paddy cultivation.

During Formation: The exact date of the formation of Kuala Kurau is unclear, but it is believed to have emerged as a small trading and agricultural center in the late 19th century. The town's development was closely tied to its strategic location along the Kurau River, which facilitated transportation and trade.

British Colonial Era: During the British colonial era, Kuala Kurau, like many other towns in Malaysia, saw the influence of British administration. The town served as an important trading post, facilitating the export of agricultural produce, especially rice and seafood.

Japanese Occupation: Kuala Kurau, like the rest of Malaysia, fell under Japanese occupation during World War II from 1942 to 1945. The town experienced hardships during this period, and the local economy was disrupted.

Post-Independence: After Malaysia gained independence in 1957, Kuala Kurau continued to develop its agricultural and fishing industries. The construction of roads and infrastructure improvements further contributed to the town's growth.

Present-Day: Today, Kuala Kurau remains a predominantly agrarian and fishing community. The town has seen limited urban development compared to larger cities and retains its rural charm and traditional way of life. While progress has brought modern amenities, the town still holds onto its cultural heritage and natural beauty.

Throughout its history, Kuala Kurau has preserved its cultural diversity and maintained its agricultural roots. It has become a hidden gem for those seeking a peaceful retreat in the heart of nature, attracting visitors who want to experience a traditional Malaysian town and its way of life.


 Popular Food at Kuala Kurau

Do you get hungry? No? What are you, a ninja?

Joking aside, here some of the popular food in Kuala Kurau. Enjoy and eat more until you can't take it anymore. 

1) Seafoods (Seafood noodles)

This is a mee that cook together with seafood, as some restaurant cook it with curry, which are the big reason why it's taste as delicious as curry. The name of this dish, is Seafood Curry Mee. Since fishing is one of major job or activities in Kuala Kurau, then amount of seafood of the food, are a lot. One of the dish and quite popular, becaue of the high protein in the Seafood Curry Noddles, with shrimp, crab and more in it. 

As for person who love seafood taste, they will love this dish so much. However as for the curry, it's not as spicy as usual curry in Malaysia. But don't be disappointed, cause its curry delicious as it should be. 

I can't tell you more about this dish, since it's a food and each have different taste. So go to Kuala Kurau, get and eat it. Taste it by yourself. 

For those who like to try cook itself, click to link and watch it yourself. 

2) Asam Laksa

Surrounding Malaysia, Asam Laksa is a popular food in some of the nation. However what make the difference between Kuala Kurau 's Asam Laksa with others Asam Laksa, is crab. Kuala Kurau that rich with seafoods, includes crab in their Asam Laksa. That's surprisingly delicious. This is my favourite food, ever since in my childhood until now.

As for the asam Laksa ketam, I know where you guys can get it. Asam laksa ketam sold at the restaurant which named Che Aya Laksa Ketam & Udang Lipan around the Pantai Ban Pecah. 

Since it's my favourite dish, so I usually come to that restaurant and enjoy my favourite dish.  And believe me, you guys won't regret of taste it. Unless you allergy to the seafood. Taste and you won't regret, yet maybe it'll be your new favourite food 

Location of Che Aya Laksa Ketam & Udang Lipan:

3) Hakka Cuisine

This is one of the Hakka Cuisine, which are Chinese food. Kuala Kurau has a sizable Hakka Chinese community, and Hakka cuisine is popular in the town. Dishes such as Hakka-style steamed pork, Hakka yong tau foo (stuffed tofu and vegetables), and Lui Cha (pounded tea rice) are some examples of Hakka specialties that can be savored here.

Chinese cuisine quite popular, since you can find it mostly anywhere in Kuala Kurau. As for believe or now, once I have heard that the population in Kuala Kurau is mostly Chinese but I never knows whether it's true or not. 

As for non-muslim that looking for the pork and more, I recommended try the Hakka cuisine. As for Indian and Malay cuisine are mostly Halal food. I never taste in so, I can't really give the review of it. However non-muslim locals are really recommend this dish, as a delicious food during the interview.

Maybe the non-muslim visitors can taste it and giving me the feedback of Hakka cuisine. 

4) Indian Cuisine

Roti canai, who live in Malaysia but still doesn't roti canai? Indian cuisine, is basically Indian food that also provided in Kuala Kurau. It's one of the popular food, even to Malay, and also Chinese like Roti canai. Roti canai is one of the favourite breakfast in Malaysia, including Kuala Kurau. 

Kuala Kurau is one of the places that Malay, Chinese and Indian able to live in harmony, and to keep that balance, Indian cuisine also provided to all races there. 

There are many more type of Indian cuisine in Kuala Kurau, such as banana leaf rice, various flavorful curries and more. As for Roti canai, the curry flavor is quite delicious than others state in Malaysia. This may because of the curry flavor, are provided by the Indian locals and no one more expert in taste of flavor than Indians. As this mean, that Kuala Kurau can provide most perfect and flavorful taste in their food, especially Indian cuisine.

5) Kurau Fragrant Rice

Kurau Fragrant Rice is not a dish, yet it's one of the popular in Kuala Kurau, the rice that they own processing, and most of the rice in Kuala Kurau are using this fragrant rice. These type of rice, producing a good and nice smell compared to the others rice in the worlds. This smell able to drive people to enjoy and feel more hungry, than before, just to show how delicious it can be.

However the taste of the rice are quite same, as others rice at least to me. As many locals are using this rice frequently, especially in Nasi Kandar Kuala Kurau. 



Welcome to Kuala Kurau's Worth place to visit

When you arrive to Kuala Kurau, Perak, where is the places that worth you visit?

Here some recommendations of interest place at or near Kuala Kurau

1) Pantai Ban Pecah

Pantai Ban Pecah, is one of the popular beach at Kuala Kurau. Many visitors may not know, but Pantai Ban Pecah, once is a swamp that through time, turns to beach.  Beside than that, the people of Kuala Kurau and lives near Pantai Ban Pecah, always say, that people can see Pulau Pinang from Pantai Ban Pecah. 

Pantai Ban Pecah is a simplely beach that have food trucks around and there only a spot for swimming. JUST ONE SPOT. This is because, Pantai Ban Pecah, usually have a very strong wind. 

This place perfect for tourists who love sea, ocean and windy. As Pantai Ban Pecah usually windy. 

There one other that make Pantai Ban Pecah is a one of special beach. That's sunrise and sunset. People usually come at earliest morning to see sunrise and come latest at evening to watch sunset. Though I never haven't at chance to watch sunrise, but in one day each time I come to Kuala Kurau, I have to watch sunset, and I love it so much. So come and experience itself, the wind never disappointing you, at Pantai Ban Pecah.

2) Kuala Gula Bird Sanctuary

Do you like birds? 

Then this is the perfect place for you in Kuala Kurau, Perak. It's Kuala Gula Bird Sanctuary. There a time of the year, locals birds and also birds from abroad come to the Kuala Gula as their stop place to rest and treat. Kuala Gula is just like our R&R, to the birds, whose keep flying around the worlds.

Due of the huge Kuara river, the birds are resting, yet they can see feed itself. For those visitors that interest to learn more about the birds around the world, they have to visit Kuala Gula Bird Sanctuary at Kuala Kurau. The nearby Kuala Gula Bird Sanctuary, located at the mouth of the river, is a haven for birdwatching and home to various migratory and local bird species.

As you can look at the picture here, I captured Kuala Gula while in the car, before I arrive to my grandparent's house. There also a village that some of the locals lives there, especially fisherman. 

At Kuala Gula also one of the places where seafood being held on, before they sold to the market. 

3) Parit Buntar, Perak

It's true that Parit Buntar is a little far from Kuala Kurau. However, based on the interview with the locals, many recommended Parit Buntar as the place to shopping clothes and even groceries. It's not like in Kuala Kurau doesn't have the store or market for these, however, based on locals, Parit Buntar is one of the town that provide many store. 

Even though, some locals also recommend Pasar Pagi Kuala Kurau, however, to me, Pasar Pagi Kuala Kurau doesn't provide much. It's true that Pasar Pagi Kuala Kurau, provide some clothes, food and even raw food. Yet for me, I still recommend Parit Buntar. 

The clothes that provide at Parit Buntar, also have quality and cheap price too, if you want to compare Kuala Lumpur and Selangor, where I lived. There also some store that sell souvenirs at Parit Buntar.  Come and visit Parit Buntar, so that you can buy your memories in Perak.


Welcome to Kuala Kurau, let's learn before we visit.

Kuala Kurau is a small town located in the Kerian District of the state of Perak, Malaysia. Nestled along the picturesque Straits of Malacca, it is known for its serene rural setting and natural beauty. The town is characterized by its lush paddy fields, meandering Kurau River, and a close-knit community that embodies the charm of small-town living.

Kuala Kurau offers a refreshing escape from the bustling cities, providing visitors with an opportunity to immerse themselves in the laid-back pace of life and authentic Malaysian culture. The town is home to a diverse population comprising Malays, Chinese, and Indians, who coexist harmoniously and contribute to the rich cultural tapestry of the region which in total around 31,065 locals are staying at Kuala Kurau.

Overall, Kuala Kurau offers a tranquil and immersive experience in the heart of Perak's countryside. Whether you are a nature enthusiast, a cultural explorer, or simply seeking a peaceful getaway, Kuala Kurau welcomes you with its warm hospitality, natural splendor, and authentic rural charm.